Shahrekord university

Number of Visits 1538

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Shahrekord University is located at the center of ChaharmahalvaBakhtiari Province, at the central part of Zagros Mountains and an area that functions as a bridge between the Iranian plateau and the Persian Gulf as well as the country’s southwest borders. With an altitude of 2,153 meters above the sea level, this region is called the Roof of Iran and the Neighbor of the Sky. Also, due to the mountainous nature, this area is full of hot springs and miniature waterfalls; it is considered the hub of mineral waters and the unique habitant of medicinal plants and animals with 250 spectacular plant species. 

There are currently around 8,000 students studying in 173 disciplines (i.e., 48 undergraduate programs, 77 postgraduate programs and 48 Ph.D. programs) in this university. There are 300 faculty members (i.e., 16 full professors, 63 associate professors, 204 assistant professors, and 17 instructors) in 8 faculties (i.e., Faculty of Agriculture Scince, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Faculty of Basic Sciences,Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Farsan Faculty of Art and Humanities), 5 institutes (i.e., Research Institute of Animal Embryo Technology, Research Institute of Biotechnology, Research Institute of Zoonotic Diseases, Water Resources Research Center, and Research Institute of Nanotechnology), one scientific center (i.e., Center of Nonlinear Analysis, Optimization, & Control), one photonics research group, and  one centerof technology groups and incubator with 26 technology units engaged in research activities.

ShahrekordUnivrsity is located in Shahrekord. This city is famous for its natural beautyof the landscape, waterfalls and rivers. Its weather is normally dry, coldin winter and mild in spring and summer. The town has a ski resort located about35 km (22 mi) away and several natural lagoons and small lakes for outdoorrelaxation.

In addition to geographical location and good climate of Shahrekord, the University has a lot of facilities such as hostels, guesthouses, self-servicewell-equipped laboratories and sports facilities, which are available for academic staffs, personals and students.

Two faculties contributor in 17th iranian hydraulic conference are faculties of engineerina and agriculture. 

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Shahrekord University was established in 1998 and it consists of a 17000 square-meter, 4 story building and a collection of 1200 square-meter workshop. The student population of Faculty of Engineering is approximately 1600 students majoring in 19 various fields consists of under-graduate, graduate and doctoral students. In order for this to accomplish, 43 full-time and 50 part-time faculty members are helping as part of a global team. Various fields in faculty of Engineering are involved: 1- Mechanical Engineering, 2- Electrical Engineering, 3- Material Engineering, 4- Civil Engineering, and 5- Computer Science. So far, up to now, 1661 under-graduate and 183 graduate students have been instructed and graduated. 75 research in-house contracts and 20 industrial projects are among the accomplishments.

Here is a list of fields with major explanations:

1. Mechanical Engineering:

Field of Mechanical Engineering was started with fluids mechanics under-graduate program in 1998. From 2009, the graduate program was on track and Doctoral program is started from 2012. Currently, this group consists of 12 full-time faculty members, 352 under-graduate students, 108 graduate students and 16 Doctoral students. The group is currently involved in 6 industrial research projects.

2. Electrical Engineering:

Electrical Engineering program was first started in 2001 by the entrance of students majoring in Electronic Engineering. The under-graduate power program, graduate power program, graduate electronic and doctoral power program was started in 2008, 2009 and 2011, respectively. Currently, the group consists of 20 full-time faculty member, 376 under-graduate students, 101 graduate students and 12 doctoral students. The group is currently involved in 47 industrial research projects.

3. Material Engineering:

The Material Engineering program was first started in 2004 with the entrance of students majoring in Ceramics. Later, graduate students of this program are conducted in 2010. In order to develop this field further, industrial metallurgy major at under-graduate and graduate fields are introduced in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Currently, this group consists of 12 full-time faculty member, 257 under-graduate students and 71 graduate students. The group is currently involved in 18 industrial research projects.

4. Civil Engineering:

Under-graduate program of Civil Engineering was first established in 2007. The graduate program of Hydraulic Structures was started in 2011. Currently, the group consists of 4 full-time faculty members, 178 under-graduate students and 29 graduate students. The group is currently involved in 16 industrial research projects.

5. Computer Science

The Computer Science majoring in software programming was first started in 2013. Currently, the group consists of 4 full-time faculty member and 69 under-graduate students.     

Faculty of Agriculture

The faculty of agriculture was founded in 1990 with the aim of providing expert and efficient manpower in different agricultural majors. This faculty is the oldest and somehow the initial core of Shahrekord University. It has several laboratories e.g. computer site, GIS site, greenhouse and animal husbandry farm. Faculty of Agriculture has four departments.

1. Department of Mechanical Engineering of Bio-systems

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystems was founded in 1999 with the aim of training expert and efficient manpower in 1) Mechanical Engineering of Biosystems, 2) Agricultural Mechanization Engineering and 3) Food Machinery Engineering. The department has different laboratories including Physical and Mechanical

Properties Lab, Instrumentation & Control Lab, Vibration & Simulation Lab, Internal Combustion Engine, Hydraulics, Agricultural Machinery Site, Metal Working Operations, Machine tools and soil Physics and Mechanics.

2. Department of Plant Protection

The Department of Plant Protection was founded in 2004 for training students in Plant Protection. The Entomology Plant Pathology laboratory and Isolate Greenhouses are the most important laboratories of this department.

3. Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology

The Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology was branched out from the Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding in 2011 with the aim of providing the expert and efficient students in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. The training facilities of the department include plant tissue culture lab, plant breeding lab and some research greenhouses. Every year, a significant fraction of the publications in faculty of agriculture is published by the members of this department. Moreover, dozens of students in bachelor, master and PhD programs are graduated every year from this department.

4. Department of Soil Science and Engineering

Soil Science at Shahrekord University can trace its origins from teaching soil science courses to agriculture students through the formation of a separate Department of Soil Science in 1988 and on to the present day. Department of Soil Science was established at Faculty of Agriculture as the focus for soil related education and research activities at the University and offers theoretical and practical courses for both undergraduate (B.Sc.) and postgraduate (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) students. The mission of the Department is to advance the understanding of earth system processes and the interaction among land, atmosphere, and water, and to addresses the challenge of developing environmentally sustainable agricultural systems to produce food. The Department name was changed from Department of Soil Science to Soil Science and Engineering (SSE) Department in 2013. Currently the SSE Department comprises of eleven scientific staff, over 80 B.Sc., 50 M.Sc. and 25 Ph.D. students from around the country, and technical and administrative support. 

5. Department of Agronomy

Department of Agronomy was founded in 2011 as an independent department with the aim of training expert and efficient B.S., M.Sc. and PhD students in managing the production systems of agricultural crops. This department has research greenhouses and some educational and research equipped laboratories.

6. Department of Horticultural Sciences

Department of Horticultural Sciences was founded in 2005 with the aim of training expert and efficient B.S. and M.Sc. students in fruit, decorative plants, floriculture, medicinal, spicy and drink plants and PhD students in physiology and fruit breeding from 2013. This department has the educational and research facilities including plant tissue culture lab, physiology and plant hormone lab, the laboratory of medicinal, spicy and drink plants, research farm and the collection of research greenhouses.

7. Department of Animal Sciences

The Department of Animal Sciences was founded 1988 with the aim of training expert and efficient students in Animal Affairs and has the animal nutrition lab, molecular genetics and the aviculture and animal husbandry farm.

8. Department of Water Engineering

The Department of Water Engineering was founded in 1991 with the aim of training expert and efficient students in three fields of drainage and irrigation, hydraulic structures, and water resources. It has the hydraulics and soil mechanics laboratories.