Guide to registration and submit article

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Register and send articles:

The articles can be registered in the congress database in two forms the summary of the article or full article (User system part).

Registering and sending the article in the congress is done only through the congress database.

Sending an article to the congress is possible only after logging in, registering and paying the fee (for people from abroad, payment will be made in cash at the Congress location).

Articles submitted to the Congress must be the result of the original research work of the author or authors and have not be presented elsewhere.

For additional information (registration fee, how to pay, accommodation, food, congress workshops, leisure tours, etc.), click on the guide for registration and submitting articles on the top bar of the site.

First Important point: The certificate of presentation of the article is issued only to the name of the registrant whose mentioned in the article of the first author, and the names of other authors are mentioned in the text of this certificate and no other certificate is issued for them.

Second Important point: The certificate of participation in the congress is issued only on the condition of paying the registration fee.


Important dates:

1. Congress date: Tuesday, May 14&15, 2024

2.Deadline for sending abstracts of articles: Wednesday,February 14, 2024

3. Announcement of accepted articles: Wednesday, April 3, 2024

4. Announcing the final program of the Congress: Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Guideline of registration and submission of articles:

Rules for submitting abstracts:

A maximum of two articles will be accepted from each responsible author.

All abstracts of articles must be written and sent in English.

The English summary should be written in such a way that it is suitable for printing in terms of grammar and writing quality.

Review articles are also accepted in English.

The summary of the articles should be related to the theme of the congress and contain interesting content for the participants who are a combination of professors, researchers, clinicians, specialists, industrialists, etc.

Abstracts of articles must be submitted online and only through the Congress website.

Abstracts sent by email will not be accepted. The abstracts of the articles must be sent at the end of the specified period,wich after that will not be considered and evaluated.

Each person can only be a responsible author in a maximum of two articles.

Before submitting the abstract, the responsible author must make sure that all authors are aware of the contents of the abstract and agree with its submission, and must take responsibility for it.

All abstracts of the accepted articles will be printed in the electronic booklet of the conference’s abstracts.

The responsible author must register as a participant in the conference.

Only the abstracts of the authors whose registration fee has been paid for the poster presentation and lecture will be included in the print schedule.

Abstracts of articles must be original and have not been presented or published before in any conference or scientific meeting. All the presented researches must be consistent with the international standards of animal welfare and rights.

In the article submission section, the uploaded summary file must contain the abstract of the articles in English in Word format. In addition, the uploaded file must contain the authors' names, workplace details and email in English.


Rules of non-acceptance :

Summaries of articles in which the results will be added or the results will be discussed will not be accepted . Abstracts containing incomplete data will not be accepted.

The data should include the number of animals, the actual values and the amount of variance. Authors should avoid reporting only percentage changes.

Abstracts that exceed the maximum number of words will not be accepted.

Reports of individual clinical cases or clinical cases containing several cases will be accepted if they contain useful and new information about a disease, its symptoms, diagnosis or treatment related to the congress.

In the English summary, the following points should be considered:

-The manuscript must be typed in 1.15 space on A4 size (21 × 29.7 cm) white paper, with a top margin of 2.5 cm, and left and right margins of 2 cm and a Times New Roman font size of 12 (Bold) for heading and authors, and (Italic) for affiliations (Microsoft Word, .doc or .docx).

-Corresponding author should be marked with (*)

-Email of corresponding author should be written in affiliations.

-All manuscripts must include an abstract maximum of 250 words without title, key word and references

-For original articles and short communications, the abstract must be included objective, animals (or sample population), procedures, results, and conclusions.

-For clinical reports, the abstract must be included with the case description and clinical findings, treatment and outcome, and clinical relevance.

-Abstract should include at most two references (APA style). For example: Bergston, C. (1997) Infectious diseases of the shrimp. In: Lameness in Cattle. Greenough, P.R., Weaver, A.D.(eds.). (3rd ed.) WB. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, USA. p. 89-99.

-Note that the abstract should be written in one paragraph only, without subdividing into the aforementioned parts. -Pictures, Graphs, tables shouldn’t include in the abstract. -All abstracts should have 3 to 6 key words in separate line.

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